Software Engineering Consultants, Inc., (SECI) has developed,
under contract, software development policies, standards, and
procedures for various clients. These activities have been geared
toward helping the client perform software development (1) in a
commercial environment, (2) in compliance with ISO standards, or
(3) in compliance with other standards or process improvement
models (for example, the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) developed by the Software Engineering Institute (SEI)).
The product of these efforts have been the following:
The various
software development standards manual efforts have been in
process since the end of August, 1984. These manuals have been
developed for a wide range of application types, such as process
control software, MIS applications, and scientific models.
The knowledge which went into the development of these software
development standards manuals, and the feedback which has
resulted from their use can be tailored by SECI to specific
applications for other clients. The basic concepts underlying the
policies, standards, and procedures are equally applicable to
both commercial and defense applications.
SECI has a demonstrated capability in producing standards and
procedures for software development organizations operating in
the regulated industries. SECI’s clients include
organizations in the pharmaceuticals and commercial aircraft
industries, where standards and procedures must comply with
rigorous government and commercial standards.
For those clients requiring manuals which comply with Department
of Defense standards, SECI is in a unique position. Dr. Emanuel
R. Baker of our staff was responsible for the development of a
Defense Department standard for software quality during the
initial years of that effort. He also worked very closely, in
performing this work, with the developers of a Defense Department
software development standard. He has intimate knowledge of the
government’s requirements and has been able to translate
them into implementable, workable standards and procedures.
Accordingly, defense industry clients will be prepared with a
full capability to comply with such standards.
In summary, we have the capability to develop a manual for you in
a minimum of time, allowing you to come on line with a complete
system of procedures faster than would be possible were such a
system to be developed in-house from the beginning -- and at a
lower overall cost. And the final product would be uniquely
yours: tailored to your own needs and integrated into the
software development environment that already exists or is being
developed in your own company.
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Engineering Consultants, Inc. All rights reserved