Software Engineering Consultants, Inc., (SECI) is a company that provides consulting and training services. SECI's consultants have performed consulting and training services for companies worldwide, ranging from locations as far-flung as the Far East, Australia and New Zealand, to the European continent. Our clients include organizations in both the private sector and in government. We have been a primary provider for training services for an agency of the U.S. and Australian governments for their Software Professional Development Program.
SECI was founded in 1985 by Dr. Emanuel R. Baker. Dr. Baker has more than 35 years of technical and managerial experience in software development. He is an internationally known figure in software engineering, having written papers and conducted public seminars in the U.S. and overseas on the topics of TQM, software engineering, software quality, and systems and software process appraisals. He has recently published a book on implementing process improvement, Process Improvement and CMMI for Systems and Software, written in collaboration with Dr. Ron Kenett.
SECI helps its clients solve specific problems pertaining to the day-to-day management of their systems and software development, product and services acquisition activities, and services development and delivery. Through our affiliation with Process Strategies, Inc., SECI principals are certified by the Software Engineering Institute to lead appraisals.
- Help clients define and establish the methodologies and practices to be used for developing and maintaining systems and software.
- Perform process appraisals of client's systems and software development and maintenance processes to assess overall
capabilities to produce quality products.
- Perform process appraisals of client's acquisition processes to assess overall
capabilities to establish requirements for acquiring products and services from vendors, establishing appropriate contract vehicles, and managing the selected vendor.
- Perform process appraisals of client's services processes to plan, develop, and deliver services.
- Develop policies and standards (tailored to the unique characteristics of the client's
systems or software development environment) for performing development, configuration management, quality assurance, test, and
documentation. SECI trains in the implementation of the policies and standards that have been developed for our clients.
- Perform training in various technical aspects of software engineering, as well as in software development management.
- Evaluate client software quality assurance (SQA) and configuration management (SCM) capabilities. Recommend, define, and
implement SQA and SCM programs for clients.
- Perform systems and software systems engineering studies and analyses.
- Facilitate Joint Application Development (JAD) sessions.
- Perform Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) tasks.
- Perform independent testing services.
- Perform specified software systems engineering tasks under contract.
Please access the fact sheets that describe the services performed by SECI consultants. The fact sheets describe the general
nature of work done in several specialty fields and describe how the results may be applied to your unique situation. The fact
sheets are not a comprehensive listing of all the capabilities available from SECI, but are a sampling of those that may be
applicable to your specific situation.
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